Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Not All Smiles, But Doing Really Well

We had a fun first Mother's Day. And, it was more than that, because it was also mommy's birthday!

Andrew and Bethany (and I) went shopping during the week several times and picked out gifts and cards for mom/birthday girl.

The kids surprised mommy with their Mother's Day card and gift in the morning. Then we went to the park (Angie too). In the afternoon (along with grandma and uncle Stephen) we had a birthday party, complete with balloons, garland, hats, blowouts, and of course cake, candles and presents.

I'm sure they did not understand Mother's Day, but they got the excitement of the birthday. We had fun playing with the balloons.

The kids signed their cards with hand prints, and I knew they would want to add some personal message, so on the m-day card I wrote "We're sorry mom!! We love you!!!" and on the b-day card, "And again, we're both really sorry.", for all the grief they have given their devoted mom.

In general, all is well. Andrew appears to be finally kicking his month-long cold. Poor little guy! It actually seemed worse last week. He was much more cranky then before. He does know how to blow his nose when we hold the tissue, so that helps. We saw the doctor again last Monday and were to give it ten more days.

We've been busy with parks, malls, playdates, get-togethers with family and friends and another trip to the zoo. On Sunday we got Bethany in the pool for the first time–the first time for any of us this season, the water is still a little chilly. She did well; mostly had her ever present, studious expression, but mixed in were a few smiles and laughs.

Both are understanding a great deal of what we say (they at times ignore it, but understand nonetheless). Both now speak seemingly in long sentences, not in English, maybe just baby talk (doesn't sound Russian). They appear to be telling us about the day's activities or alerting us to some concern. And they talk to each other too.

They really do play well together most of the time. Never at a loss for something to play with, though it is often, not an actual toy. There is a sharing struggle at times. For example, Andrew will take off running with something that Bethany wanted. She follows screaming. Then she is running with the recovered item and he is screaming. Who needs daytime TV?–plenty of drama here.

Bethany is beginning to turn the corner toward being potty trained, but still mostly diaper changes.

Then Bethany had her first hair cut.

Gayle was off work in April; and now I am off work in May. Starting in May, Gayle's employer agreed to a 32-hour schedule, so she is off on Mondays. After a year and a half of planning there was a problem with my employer. We had to do some last minute scrambling. I will be back full-time at work beginning in June. So, the kids will be at Kindercare four days per week. Then in September, I will take a vacation day a week to take care of the kids (probably Tuesday).

We will start to introduce them to daycare beginning this Monday. Both of us will go with them and spend two hours. Then, the next day we will drop them off for two hours. Full-day care will then start on June 5th.

We have their U.S. Citizenship certificates and have applied for Social Security cards. Next we go for Arizona birth certificates. We had the first of the follow-up social worker visits required as part of the adoption process, and have submitted photos and paperwork to document the kid's progress.

They are very noisy! I mean really, really NOISY! Most of the day, someone is crying or whining; or the happy screams. Angie will add her voice at times. Plus some yelling from the parents. Oh my!

On a related noted, they're just like angels when they are sleeping. Awwwh!!