Friday, April 24, 2009

Motorcycles and Tattoos, Oh My!

Andrew developed an early interest in motorcycles. Also cars, trucks, trains, planes, boats–but especially motorcycles.

Part of the bedtime routine is to ask them, What are you going to dream about? For Andrew it might go like this: Uhhhhhh. How about motorcycles?! Yeah!! Motorcycles!

He has a motorcycle nite light that must be on at bedtime.

An interest in motorcycles is one of those things that are fun to play along with now, but hope that he doesn’t really want to own or ride them someday. Not that there is anything wrong with motorcycles. It’s just not the added risk that we ideally wish for our child.

Same for tattoos. We do the washable transfer tattoos on both kids. They love it! Just hope they don’t want real ones some day. Not that there is anything wrong…


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