Friday, November 03, 2006

We Got The Call

There had been delays. Nothing was moving forward in Russia. It's been ten months since our dossier was sent to Russia. We've had a few documents to update; but mostly just waiting; and waiting. Occasional news that the reorganization of the adoption process in Bryansk was still progressing. Here and there word of some other couples' successes. But nothing real. Nothing believable. Nothing to renew our energy. Just...waiting.

Got to the point where we'd want to stop searching for news, since it never brought information we could use or that would provide comfort; or hope.

But still, always kept the faith that it would happen...all in good time.

Was there a "good time"? Was there a moment that had been planned? Was there a series of events that had to happen first? Not steps in the adoption process, but instead, steps in life? Were there pieces to the puzzle that had to fall in to place before we could grow our family?

Was there knowledge that we were lacking? Was there an attitude that had to change? Was there an event that had to occur? A bond that needed to be renewed? An understanding that had to be reached?

We took two trips in October; after months and months of no time off, no vacation. Each were to attend the wedding of a close friend of Gayle, mixed with some sightseeing and travel rehearsing. The first to New York and Connecticut, in her old part of the world. The second to Wisconsin and Chicago, in my old part of the world. Were those pieces in the puzzle?

Were we waiting for the Russian governmental restructure, or were we waiting for a perfect moment in time that was to be our destiny?

We got the call today. Margot from our agency followed it up with this fowarded e-mail:

"At last, I have a good piece of news. The Governor has signed the new law.
Guild family is matched with 2 children: a boy under 12 months, and a girl who is 2 years and a half. They are from the Baby Home for healthy children.
I'll send the official invitation later, but the family is unofficially allowed to get ready for coming in 10 days.

The other families will be matched as well. You are welcome to send the preliminaries for the new families if there are some. I am practically alone working in this territory now.

The family may start preparing for the first trip. It will be in 10 days (until the decree comes into legal force). it is enough for them to spend here 2 days.

Warm regards,

We don't know anything more at this point. Don't know if they are brother and sister.

Woke up just now thinking of baby names and of updating this journal. Now we start chasing visas, air fares and hotel reservations.

The wait has ended, for now. The moment is here. The rush begins again.


At 12:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I already e-mailed Gayle, but felt the need to post here as well. No one deserves this happiness more than Gayle and John. My best wishes on a safe trip to see your babies for the first time!!! Love to you and your growing family...Tammy Warn


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