Monday, December 25, 2006

Correcting The Paperwork — Nov 17

After leaving the Karachev orphanage we were back in the car speeding to the notary office in Bryansk, about 45 minutes, to fix the error on Andrew’s birthdate. Olga ran in by herself this time. Then we rushed to get to the Committee office to document the corrected info, before it closed early for Friday, at 4:30. Whew!

Finally at the Chernigov again, we said goodbye to Victor, Olga rushed off on business and we had some free time. This was good fortune, as we could then meet up with Lin and Andrew from Florida for dinner. They were staying at the hotel for the duration of the 10-day waiting period after their successful court date (soon they would be able to take their 8-year-old daughter home). We had connected through a Bryansk adoption group on Yahoo. So much of their experience was similar to ours. We very much enjoyed the conversation. It was good to exchange stories. We asked questions about their medical appointments in Moscow and their court appearance, and they gave us much good information.

After dinner, we packed up our belongings then relaxed in our room (or what passes for relaxing on this trip), then down to the lobby early to meet up with Olga. We saw the adoptive couple that we ran into at the Committee office. They are also all packed; must have been going to catch the same train to Moscow.

While standing silently, we heard a popping noise, but didn’t think too much about it, as there had been some construction work in the hotel. Eventually it occured to me that the sound was coming from outside. We went out just in time to see the end of a fireworks show somewhere behind the hotel; didn’t remember to ask Olga what was the celebration.

Olga arrived in the lobby on time, found a cab waiting outside and we were off to the station


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