Monday, November 20, 2006

Our Kids

We have to keep in mind that nothing is final. One of the possibilities is that a family member may still step forward and stop the adoption. We are told that it is not likely in our case.

Of course, there has been much discussion about names. In our adoption classes we were told that more than anything, kids just want to fit in with their class and friends. So our plans have always been to give them names more common in the U.S., but maybe keep their Russian name as a middle name. We were briefly talking about names with our Russian coordinator (during a nightime car ride to Karachev). She summed up her philosophy as, "New life, new name".

We decided to keep their previous names in their thoughts as they grow up, but give them new names – first, middle and last.

The name of our daughter in her life at the Klintsy orphanage has been Marina. Her name in our new family will be Bethany Rose.

The name of our son in his life at the Karachev orphanage has been Dmitry. His name in our new family will be Andrew William.
And here they are!!! Coming soon...a new photo album (link on the right).


At 8:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Absolutely stunning!

These pictures made our hearts melt... we are so happy for all four of you as you become a family!

Art and Michele

At 8:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We're so thrilled to see your beautiful children's photos! Our love and best wishes to you all!
Love, Cindy and Bob

At 11:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

They are beautiful. Best wishes to you all and we hope you will be holding your daughter and son in your arms soon!
Tracy Porto

p.s Love their names -especially Andrew!

At 12:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

God Bless you!!! They are beautiful -- I know that what is meant to be will happen for you!!! I can only hope that you will be as happy with creating your family through adoption as I am with mine!! It was great seeing you at Sharon's wedding -- keep us posted!!!

Karen & Melanie


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