Sunday, January 07, 2007

So…What’s New With The Adoption?

Well…when we left Russia we were encouraged to hear that Olga thought that the new Committee process would be much faster and that we could be returning in a month. That was a month and a half ago. We have gone from thinking that we will be in Russia for Christmas, to thinking more like Valentines Day. But, who knows!

We assume the kids are happy and healthy. We have not received any info since we last saw them. Andrew had his first birthday without us. We inquired about sending a package to the orphanage for him and the others, but were told that there would be extra trouble for the orphanage staff to get the package out of Customs.

There have been more papers to sign. There are always more papers to sign!

Still making changes to the kid’s room; we call it the Elmo Room. No, we were not considering naming one of the kids after a Muppet; it is due to the, some might say overwhelming, theme of the room. We have added a (Elmo) toddler bed for Bethany. We already had the crib for Andrew. Thought it best to keep them together for now, as they are probably use to sleeping with other kids, and would aid in their bonding with each other. When the time is right, we will vacate the other bedroom (which is being used as an office), and decorate it as a kid room too.

The “child proofing” is behind schedule. Have plenty of door and drawer latches to install and new storage cabinets to replace shelves, etc.

The next big thing will be to buy and setup a swing set for the backyard. There are not that many choices, new or used, in a set small enough for our yard.

We have had several discussions about the Two Trip vs. Three Trip travel plan. Our original plan was for two trips to Russia. The first trip was to meet the kids and start the formal adoption paperwork in Russia; that is the one we completed in November. The second trip was to be for both the court date and to bring the kids home. This second trip includes the infamous 10-day waiting period in between the court date and our picking up the kids to complete their paperwork. It appears that more parents are choosing to come back home for the 10-day waiting period, thus making a third trip necessary. Saves on living expenses in Moscow and on time away from work, but costs more for airfare and the risk of additional loss time due to jet lag and related sickness. No need to make a final decision until we get the call with the court date.

Friends and family threw us a really fun baby shower. We are constantly receiving well wishes and pledges of support, for which we are very grateful and encouraged. Thank you all!


At 6:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

John and Gayle,
Bob and I have been following your travel blog with great interest, hope, and enthusiam for your soon-to-be family. Thanks so much for all the newsy details!
Aunt Cindy

At 11:12 PM, Blogger Sean Carter said...

Really enjoyed reading through your post...loved it and would be following it regularly...and hey also do drop by my blog sometime and share some of the love it's filled up with...and while you're at it do leave your thoughts....


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