Tuesday, February 27, 2007

We Are Ready!

I told myself that I would have everything done by Sunday evening, but I just now finished the last task and am very ready for some sleep.

We'll be up at 4:30 to resume our journey. My sister, Laura, will pick us up at 6:00, as our alternative (surreal) life as airline passengers begins again.

Looking forward to only stopping in Altlanta this time, and for a much shorter time, before heading out over the water.

We will have three checked bags, two checked car seats and one carry-on, plus our coats. That includes the gifts we are bringing.

It warming up over there. Should be a high of 28 the day we arrive, there will be snow and rain for the first few days, then just cloudy.

Gayle's brother Stephen will again move in here while we are gone. Angie, Lily and Sarah love to have Uncle Stephen keep them company.

Will try our best to update the blog as we travel this time. If not, we'll be back the night of the 6th.

We greatly appreciate all the well wishes and offers of help that we have received. We are truely blessed by your support!


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