Friday, April 24, 2009

All Creatures

Bethany loves animals, of all sorts. Andrew shares her interest, but Bethany has more of a passion. She is excited to pet most dogs that she meets, spends a long time in the petting zoos that we visit and of course we all enjoy our trips to the zoo (even though the ducks and turtles are the kid’s main focus).

They both have had rides on ponies and big horses at various fairs and events.

She shows affection for Angie, Lily and Sarah.

Bethany’s got it into her head that Daddy likes cats and Mommy likes dogs, which does reflect our preferences, but she takes it a little black and white. I like dogs too, and mommy likes cats too.

Then she’ll say something such as “Boys like cats, girls like dogs, but some boys like dogs.”


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