Sunday, November 12, 2006

Here's What We -think we- Know

The boy will be one year old next month. He is in a orphanage in the town of Karachev. The girl was two years old in August. She is in an orphanage in the town of Klintsy. Both towns are near the city of Bryansk. The children are not related.

We will be leaving Phoenix on Tuesday at 1 am, through Altlanta, then New York and arriving in Moscow at 11 am on Wednesday. Moscow is 10 hours ahead of Phoenix. The weather forecast for Wednesday is for a high of 30 degrees, with snow flurries (the same as the last few days).

We will then take the 7 pm train to Bryansk, arriving about 1 am. Our reservations are for a sleeper compartment on the train. Then, on to the Chernigov Hotel for a few hours of rest. In the morning, we'll visit a government official from the Committee on Families, Protection of the Motherhood and Children and Demography, see photos of the children and a few more details about them. Next, we will drive to the orphanages to see our kids for the first time. Oh my!!

We have arranged for an English speaking Russian doctor from Moscow to join us at the orphanages for an independent evaluation and to assist in obtaining as much medical and background information as we can, for baseline data to aid in their future medical care, back home.

We think we'll then head back to the hotel for the night.

In the morning, we will revisit the government official and hopefully indicate our acceptance of the match, and sign the paperwork to request the future court date.

Then, back on the overnight train to Moscow to catch a 1 pm flight to New York, Atlanta and arrive in Phoenix just after midnight on Sunday.

...we think.
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At 8:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gayle and John, I can relate to the stress of putting together an international trip on very short notice, we purchased our tickets to China for our adoption just 8 days before we left!! I am so excited for you! I know you will be blessed in so many ways when you are able to bring your children home!! John, you don't know me, I work with Gayle, but as a former first time dad, trust me you will handle diapers and everything else just fine! May God bless you and keep you safe on your journey not only to Russia but to parenthood!! Bob DeWitt


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