Wednesday, March 07, 2007

We're Home, Mostly

Just waking up after a short night's sleep. Have to get ready to pick Andrew and Bethany up from their childcare facility. We've got them in a place 6,000 miles down the road. Should we have looked around for some place closer?

The flight back from Moscow was uneventful and, again, sooo much better connections than the has trip. Hopefully this trip, no down time for viruses or jet lag. And, yes, we did know to pick up our checked luggage upon arrival in the US.

Today is a day of rest from both of us...I mean, "for both of us" (Ooh, Freudian slip? Never! We travel well together.)...then back to work tomorrow at 6 pm (Sorry, 8 am...still on Moscow time).

We flew the high route over Greenland this time again. The air temperature outside the aircraft at 34,000 feet was minus 81 degrees Farenheit. So, Moscow wasn't so bad.

I know what you're thinking. They traveled halfway around the world to see their children, and the first pictures he posts are of Greenland. Yeah, I've got to get my priorities straight.
More later today.


At 8:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah pictures!!!

(can we have some of the kiddos!, please... pretty please... with sugar on top!)

Talk to you soon,
Art and Michele

p.s. no travel news for us -- yet...


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