Thursday, March 01, 2007

What Day Is It?

We slept very well for about four hours, but now it is evening here and morning in Phoenix, so either way, not a time that we would normally be sleeping. Hopefully, we'll doze off again in an hour or two.

There is snow on the ground. It was just below the freezing point when we arrived at midday. The roads are wet. They used to use salt and sand on the roads to prevent ice. Now they use what Vladimir calls a "black chemical". He said it makes the roads and cars look dirty and is bad on the car and especially on the shoes.

The cars do look very dirty. It is not easy to see out of the windows. Vladimir is constantly using the windshield washer.

The apartment is very quiet. Don't hear neighbors or outside noises other than one car alarm. We are in an area with a number of different highrise apartment buildings. That is what we see when we look out the windows. There are trees all about, none with leaves. It appears that parking is a real problem. Along the roads in this area are, here and there, clumps of little green buildings, tucked in at odd angles, space permitting. These are rental garages.

They have no light-darkening or even privacy curtains in their apartment. Just transparent open weave type that are elegant and attractive, but allow the outside to see in at night, and hard to sleep if it were a sunny day.

Gayle is heating up some soup that Irina left for us. A kind of late-night snack/early lunch, depending on how we want to look at it.


At 6:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so glad to hear things are going okay. We are so happy for you guys! I was going to suggest that you take measurements of the kids (height, weight, waist, waist to floor, & either draw their foot or measure it) This way you can figure out what size clothing they wear. (This is purely selfish-I want to go buy cute clothes :) )

Love you guys,


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