Monday, November 13, 2006

Are We There Yet?

I'm tired. There was additional confusion with the doctor we will use for the independent evaluation. We had to get up at midnight last night to call Moscow and leave a message for the doctor, and he called back at 6 am. We hope that is is all confirmed now.

We were mostly packed yesterday, but today we repacked following some helpful tips. We put half of Gayle's clothes into my suitcase and half of hers into mine, in case one checked bag is lost. They we packed a change of underclothes in the carryon, in case both checked backs are lost. Plus, we had to be more careful about keeping the heavier items low and to the back, to avoid making the bags top heavy.

We are taking quite a few donations for the orphanages (clothes and medicine given by other adoptive parents through our agency.) So, despite our being very conservative with what we packed, our bags are stuffed.

My sister, Laura, will take us to the airport. Gayle's brother, Stephen, will be staying at our house and pick us up. Our neighbor, Paula, and Gayle's mom, Eleanor, will drop in at times to care for Lily, Angie and Sarah. They know we are leaving. So sad.

There is a lot of "unknown" ahead of us. Hope we can enjoy it.


At 9:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Traveling in my mind (and heart)with you this week. Take care.

At 9:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope all is going well and everything is working out smoothly. I can't wait to hear about meeting your children, what a beautiful experience it will be!!! Don't worry about parenthood, we're all just winging it - you'll be great!!! We love you, and the two new babies!!!


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