Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Bethany and Andrew Are Now Ours Forever!

Yes, we have them; happy and healthy. They are now part of our family forever...but we don't know how they work!! Someone please come and get us now!!!

OK, deep breath...

We are doing alright. Don't understand why they do what they do, most of the time, but we are making progress amid the many mistakes.

This will be short, as I am on my own for the first time since the trip began. Gayle stayed behind at the apartment with the kids. I am writing this from the post office, pronounced "pohschta" about a mile walk from our current home-away-from-home. We didn't think it wise to bring the kids, as I'm sure they would bar the door if they saw Andrew coming again.

We made two attempts at getting his visa picture taken earlier today at a booth inside the lobby just behind me now. The first time we were alone. The second time our host Milla came with just Gayle, thinking she could help. We won't know until tomorrow if the poor pictures taken are acceptable. Let's just say that there was screaming.

The "snatch" from the orphanage went amazing well. No crying from Bethany. She seemed ready for us to come and handled all the strange experiences we have put her through without any complaints. She has been quite calm and inquisitive always. Andrew cried for a minute or two when he left his caregiver's arms, but was quiet by the time we were in the car. They even slept all the way on the train. Our kids have really tried to make it easy on us, but incompetence has a way of catching up with you.

We have many, many stories and details to tell in further postings. I will stop by the grocery store to buy a few things on the way home, then we'll have dinner and hope for some more sleep.

Tomorrow we go to the American Embassy and maybe afterward will have some time to visit the Moscow zoo.

Thanks as always for your kind thoughts and encouragement.


At 2:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations to your new family!!! I am so glad that all went well!! We don't know why our kids do what they do either!! We are so happy for you and can't wait to see you!!! Have a safe trip home!!
Carrie & Tony


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