Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Karachev Bound - Mar 4

Olga met us as planned and we headed out to Karachev; with the current road conditions, about an hour away. Got lost after arriving in town, but asked a couple of residents walking along the rutted, snow-packed side streets, and arrived without much delay.

Andrew was not feeling well; had a fever possibly due to an immunization shot, and also teething. Olga said that the young woman who brought him was a nurse. Andrew was quite attached to her, as he was to the caretaker on the last trip. I kept a good distance, as she brought him up to Gayle, who did not want to try to hold him, for fear of further upsetting our sick little boy. She played with Andrew while he stood next to the nurse. Then the nurse walked him about the room. They said that he likes music and the nurse danced with him a bit.

I circled slowly around him and sat down on the floor as he was steered in our direction, then I danced with him a little. He was less afraid of me this visit.

The little guy did really well considering how shy he was last time, and feeling so poorly this time.

The visit was all too brief and we made our way back to the hotel to rest a few minutes before meeting up with Keir and Nathan for dinner.


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