Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Hotel Shermetyevo - Mar 5 & 6

Valdimir came to the door of our compartment to help us with our luggage, then on to his favorite parking space near the train and out of town to the Hotel Shermetyevo at the airport. This trip we would get a good night sleep and a good breakfast before going to the airport. No seven hour wait at the airport as with the last trip.

We were able to use the business center in the morning. They have three computers in a small room. There was no charge to access the Internet and this time we successfully signed on and updated this blog.

Next a quick shuttle to the terminal. short lines to the gate. A few minutes to shop and it was time to check in. Much better experience than before.

This trip we did not see as many families returning with adopted kids. Only three that we could tell. One was a family on third trip, but also their second adoption in two years. We got some good tips from them.

The flights back were uneventful. except when Gayle poured a glass of water on my pants. I could explain, but it's more fun to leave it up to your imaginations.

We found a charging station at gate A21 in the Atlanta airport that we may need on the next trip and there is a small plastic playground set at gate A25 with slides. We will want to hang out there on the way back next time.

And speaking of next time, the flight leaves in eight hours, so time to wrap up this trip. Time to get a few hours sleep and start again in the morning. This next one will sure to be exciting!


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