Friday, March 16, 2007

Where Did the Day Go? Mar 15

We arrived in Moscow about 45 minutes early, got through Passport Control with no problem (!) and waited for our bags. We have two big suitcases and two fairly big duffels. They all showed up, and we made our way out. We saw a sign with our name on it, but this time it wasn't Vladimir who is picking us up. Our driver today was Milla. She is a good friend of Olga (our facilitator) and we are staying in her son Sasha's apartment, which is right next to her apartment.

We got lost on the way from the airport to the apartment and she stopped to ask directions a few times; a traffic cop, a guy at the bus stop, the woman working at a kiosk, etc. Soon she was oriented again and continues with no trouble.

Milla is a professional tour guide, so as we drive, she pointed out landmarks, giving historical notes and other interesting facts and insights. She has done this work for many years and tells about being sent to the U.S. to work on a movie, The Blue Bird (1976). She worked directly with Cicely Tyson and formed a friendship. Years later Cicely contacted Milla and invited her to come back to see her.

She works for a company that does tours for high profile clients. She mentioned working with Edsel Ford of Ford Motor Company.

Once we got near her place, she started pointing out shops that are in walking distance and the nearest metro stations. We stopped at a kiosk to exchange some money and at a supermarket to pick up some basic groceries: milk, cereal, apples, bread, a frozen pizza, some fruit tarts and of course, bottled water (with "no gas", instead of the sparkling water that is commonly drunk here). There we ran into her son, Sasha. Milla is very proud of her son, who is in his last year studying finance.

We got to Milla's second floor apartment in a eight story building that is attractive on the outside, but worn inside in the hallways and stairs. She said it is 40 or 50 years old. She opened a door into a mud room with two interior doors. Our's (Sasha's) is to the right and her's is straight ahead.

Milla showed us around our new home, for the next most of 10 days. It's a one bedroom apartment with large living room, plus bath and kitchenette. She gave us a quick tour of her apartment also. Both have big rooms with high ceilings.

After that, as with our last trip, we got to sleep about 3 pm and woke around 7 pm. Up for a few hours and then back to sleep till about 7:30 Friday morning. Gayle's cell phone alarm function wasn't working as expected because her phone had been manually set at Phoenix time. It good that we sets alarms on both phones, because Gayle's would have gone off 10 hours late.


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