Friday, March 09, 2007

Running On Empty, But Oh So Excited

It's been go go go! Squeezed a lot into the hours since we have been home. Leave for Moscow again in just five short days. Still don't know were we will be staying.

Back at work yesterday. My partner, Lori, had everything under control and running smoothly. I'm grateful for that.

My sister Laura, Gayle's mom and brother, cousins Lorraine (and friend) from Indiana and John from Casa Grande came by to visit last night.

We had to replace our failing cell phones that were mostly useless in the Atlanta airport when we needed them.

We had our pool drained and acid washed yesterday. Now we're worried because we did not know that it was getting so hot here. A little to high a temperature to expose the plaster to the sun.

We visited a couple of more daycare facilities and think we know which we will use come June when we're are both back to work at the same time.

Have been really exhausted by the end of the day, but perk back again each morning. So it appears that we have mostly avoided jet lag and viruses this time. Hope to be back to normal by the end of the weekend.

Here are a few new pictures of Bethany and Andrew. (Remember one was woken from a sound sleep and the other had a fever.) And, let's never speak about the magenta running suit and the bunny with the pink bow. The orphanage caretakers picked out Andrew's outfit and there was a miscommunication when we went to visit Bethany. We thought we were going to see Andrew until in the car and part way there. So we gave Bethany Andrew's gifts, and vice versa.


At 6:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

They are absolutely gorgeous! Congratulations! Cant wait to hear they are home with you where they belong!
Tracy Porto

At 8:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't worry about the pink suit, we have lots of incriminating pictures of Anthony wearing Halle's princess shoes and purses!! Congratualtions again, they are beautiful!!!

At 4:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for sharing your adventure with us all. Before you know it, you four will be a family.
Love, Aunt Cindy and Uncle Bob


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