Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Did you hear the crying this morning? Tue Mar 20

Monday night went well. Bethany was extremely tired and fell asleep around 7:00 pm and pretty much slept till 7 this morning. She woke up smiling and happy. Andrew stayed up with us 'til about 10 and he slept straight through to 7:00 also. So we all got some good sleep!

Cooked up some breakfast cereal concoction, which they were OK with, and opened some jar food, and of course they had their Cheerios. Andrew has a really good appetite.

After breakfast came bath time. I'm sure you could hear the cries from here! We put them both in just a little very lukewarm water and they were just terrified. Squirmed all over the place. But got them washed and their hair washed and, once out, gave lots of hugs & kisses, and I think all was forgiven. Bethany kept looking into the tub afterwards and was also watching us get in and out of our showers. It can only get easier, right?!

We now realize we should've asked many more questions of all of you other parents out there!

We all walked over to the post office to write this up and John is outside with the kids while I update the blog. Then off to the market to buy more milk, water and cereal. Then we go to the American Embassy appointment; leaving around 1:00. Afterwards we may go to the zoo; we'll see how it goes!


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