Monday, March 12, 2007

Chianti For Everyone! – Mar 3

When we got back to the hotel, we took a nap and waited for Keir and Nathan, our new found traveling companions, to arrive from Moscow. They had to wait until today to travel because the sleeper compartments were all taken on our train.

We dined at the beautiful La Veranda, the Italian restaurant on the side of the hotel. It is actually two restaurants in one. The full-service Italian and the self-service Russian restaurant in the back. It also has a wonderfully decorated kids playroom in the back.

We sat next to a group of young people. After hearing us talk for awhile, a charming girl came over to introduce herself. She was from this region, but now lives and studies in Birmingham, England. Her English was very good; the best I had heard since arriving.

We had a very relaxing meal and stayed out to late, but it was a needed retreat.


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