Friday, March 09, 2007

Waiting For The Train – Mar 2

Still Friday – After lunch we still had some time before the train. Across from the Kievsky station is a huge Evropeiskiy (European Station) mall that opened in 2006; lots of upscale, brandname shops, plus multi-screen movie theater, food court, supermarket . We walked around there people-watching and being watched by people. The women are very fashionably dressed, especially the younger generation. Many of them wear "tre chic" boots with high heels and designer jeans that (as others observed and later told me) were quite formfitting.

We got to the platform about 6:15 pm; and were allowed on at 6:30. At that time, the Vladimirs helped us on board and to our compartment. Bryansk here we come.

The train ride was a little noisier that before, as we were right next to the dining car, so there were frequent bangs of the doors between cars. The car was too warm for sleeping again, but acceptable. Had the usual entertainment watching the stuffed animal vendors at that long stop.

Olga was on the platform at the Bryansk train station as promised, when we got in about 12:45 am. She shuttled us to the Hotel Chernigov, checked us in and said to meet her in the lobby at 11:00.

The hotel was as before, though I think they painted in the lobby. There seemed more white than before. The room felt familiar from our 1st trip.


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