Monday, March 12, 2007

Naptime Visit – Mar 3

In the morning, had breakfast in the cafe and met Olga and the driver, Constantine. We had been on the road for about 15 minutes when we realized this was the way to Klintsy to see Bethany, instead of to Karachev to see Andrew. We had the wrong photo album and wrong toys. Oh well! When here, we know to expect the unexpected.

The ride was uncomfortable for me. For some reason I was feeling car sick. Eventually dozed off for a few minutes (I know!), then felt better. The ride was close to three hours this time, due to the weather and bad road conditions. The ground was covered with snow from the recent cold spell, but it had warmed up to just above freezing, so there was rain, fog and slush.

The Klintsy Baby Home has always been an orphanage since it was built in 1937 in the Stalinist era. Did have 80 children, but is now down to 32, due to recent domestic foster care adoption incentives.

We arrive in the middle of Bethany's naptime. So they have to wake her and dress her in a festive outfit before bringing her into a large room on the first floor at the main entrance at the front of the building. It has a couch and chair along the wall, an upright piano and fish tank; otherwise is open for play, exercise and music.

We are told that Bethany was moved into another room with older children and is continuing to do well.

I stayed back a little as Bethany was carried into the room by a women in a white coat (not the Director). She kept her eye on me either because she recognized me, or because I had a camcorder pointed at her, or just the novelty of seeing a man again.

While she was sitting in Gayle's lap I zoomed in to pull a bunny out of a bag to give to her. I must have moved too quickly toward her because she started crying. We calmed her down without much trouble.

After a few minutes, I tried to gently move her over onto my lap. We got a pouty look at first, then she burst out into tears again. I kept her on my lap and she brightened up again. After a little while I stood her up on the floor so I could take more photos and video.

At one point she began to slowly walk backwards toward the door holding the plastic toy we gave her. Gayle held out the bunny and Bethany walked forward to get it. When she got close, she reached out, quickly grabbed it and took a fast step backwards. Then she started the slow backward walk again. I was convinced that she was going to slip out on her own. We were laughing. It was so cute. Olga and the caretaker were saying something to her and she came back. Gayle gave her a hug and kiss and she was carried out.


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