Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The Kids Have Their Russian Passports

The visit to the American Embassy went smoothy. There was another five American couples (with kids) going through the process also, so we got to chat a little. Out hosts were not allowed past the outside gates to the embassy, so we were on our own inside. I'll say a few words about that visit in a later post.

Afterwords, Milla wanted to take us back to Red Square. This time to get photos of us with the kids. Especially one in front of St Basil's. We also went into the first floor of the Historical Museum gift shop. Lots of things for the kids to see, safely behind glass.

Now for one of the questions that Gayle mentioned we should have asked other parents. Should we carry food and water with us absolutely everywhere we go? Andrew was nice enough to answer the question for us...very loudly...all the way back to the car.

Another question we should have asked: Should you hand your child, who is learning to pour, an open bag of partially crushed Goldfish crackers, while seated in the back seat of a car? Bethany kindly provided that answer for us.

It was a long, long ride back, due to very heavy traffic. I'll save some comments about driving habits for a later posting. Let me just say that drivers think they have the right of way–always. Other cars and pedestrians beware. And don't think that just because you are on a sidewalk, you are safe from cars. As said in an earlier post, then also park on the sidewalk.

We made it back to the apartment, cleaned the car of Goldfish crumbs, had a nice hot dinner and some fun music (Russian children songs from the CD we bought on the last trip, and also the Wiggles.)

Everyone slept well. The kids and Gayle on a sleeper sofa, while I enjoy the bed in the other room. Andrew tosses and turns alot.

Gayle is back in the apartment with the kids. She is getting them ready to go to the zoo. Oh boy!


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