Thursday, March 22, 2007

She Sings When She's Happy

We made it back from the Moscow Zoo. Mamma and Pappa are exhausted. Andrew has been sleeping; Bethany remains active. We took turns taking a short nap. I made the 15 minute walk here to the post office, in part, just to wake up.

Bethany cried when I left. Not because she was sad to see me go, but because she likes to go out. Anytime someone gets dressed to go out, she does also, then cries when she is left behind.

She very much likes the backpack carrier that we got from Tony and Carrie...part of the reason I am so exhausted. She sings when she is happy and is often singing while in the backpack. Very sweet songs to serenade me. She also falls a sleep while in the carrier.

The zoo was fun. I think the best part were the farm animals at the beginning, but we did see the usual: lion, cheetah, giraffe, etc. Also saw reindeer and they have a wonderful indoor display with butterflies. Orange slices were placed out and the butterflies sat on them drinking.

We bought pinwheels for the kids, then left to go across the street to have lunch in a cafe. Found some meat and cheese-filled pancakes on the menu for the kids and we had sandwiches. The best part for them were the vanilla milkshakes; had to put Andrew's in his sippy cup. When the food started running low, we paid the check and made a quick dash out, just as he began acting up again.

Milla had kindly driven us to the zoo on her way to an appointment. So our best choices to get home were cab or subway. We choose the adventure of the subway. Bethany stayed in the backpack and I carrier the umbrella stoller. Gayle hand-carried Andrew.

Good that we had gotten used to the subway already on our own. I walked them around while Gayle bought the tickets. At one point someone tapped me on the shoulder and presented me with one of Bethany's shoes.

Through the crowds, down two escalators, look for where the cars are most empty as the first train leaves and move there to catch the next train.

Andrew loves the subway. Especially the loud noise. He just smiles and laughs, much to the amusement of the two men standing by, one of which gave up his seat for Gayle and Andrew. Bethany was asleep in the backpack most of the time.

As we plodded back from the subway station to the apartment a young boy "malisch" ran up, said something, pointed at Bethany's now bare sock and pointed back down the walkway. Gayle went back to find the lost shoe...the other shoe this time. While I was waiting with the kids, a woman stopped to also tell me that she saw the shoe. I told her yes, that my wife had gone to retrieve it. Kind people!

Yesterday and today have been sunny. I do not know the temperature, but I have gone without my coat. It appears that I have adapted well to the cold here considering my "thinned out" desert-dweller's blood.

When I return, Gayle will take Bethany out to the market.

Tommorow we meet with Olga to wrap up the process and Saturday we are off for home.


At 8:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

YEAH !!! CONGRATULATIONS! We are soo very happy that you finally have your children. Enjoy them even all the fun stuff like learning to "pour" and the sometimes loud outburst in public. They will always keep you on your toes. You will never know what to expect next. But being a parent is the most incredible thing in your life. Enjoy them!!!
Tracy Porto


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