Saturday, April 14, 2007

How Are The Kids?

The kids are adjusting well. The parent are still struggling, but making steady progress.

The kids are well rested. The parents are not! Still do not have a set bedtime, mostly because the naptimes have not been consistent. Andrew still usually naps twice a day and Bethany once. It’s hard to get them both to nap at the same time, so one or the other is running about, all the time.

We can put Andrew in his crib for a nap with only a little fuss, but Bethany still resists both nap and bedtime; often with lot's of crying and screaming. She has a couple of times fallen asleep in the booster seat at lunch, or the stroller during an outing into the neighborhood, so we know she’s tired, but just doesn’t want to lie down.

We have two theories for Bethany as to why it seems extraordinarily hard to get her to sleep–just because it helps to have theories, even if not true. One, that she is so excited by all that is new and fun in her life outside the orphanage, that she is afraid she will miss something while sleeping. Two, we suspect sleep time was traumatic in the orphanage; possibly she was restrained from getting up in some manner.

One or both are up, usually just once, each night. Sometimes they fall easily back to sleep, other times it takes a while.

We wonder if there may have been trauma associated with baths in the orphanage too. Andrew now enjoys bathes; Bethany still screams and kicks.

We have started letting them play together in the bathroom sink, while standing on their stools.

We put the bath toys in there. Both think it is great fun! Maybe that will help with bathtime.

Andrew continues to eat as if each meal is his last, and devours most everything we give him. Bethany is more particular, and prefers to play with her food.

Gayle has had good success with getting them to brush their teeth.

In general, their movement is constant and sudden. They want to touch everything and go everywhere. We are still finding more and more things to put away, or just out of reach. Still have not had time to finish all the drawer and cabinet latches, or to move up the deadbolt on the front door.

Sarah continues to avoid them. Angie and Lily do not and as the kids get more used to their presence, they are getting in their faces more. Apparently Lily scratched Bethany, but from what I have seen she is still fairly tolerant. Angie, who has been getting trampled and handled roughly, is beginning to growl and try to nip at them.

Both are understanding more and more English words. Bethany has started speaking many of them, but not yet for Andrew.

Easter was fun for them. On Saturday, they got along well with four year old Halle, Anthony, who is the same age as Bethany, and Gayle’s family at her Dad’s house. On Sunday, the same with four year old Tiana, other cousin youngins and my family in Casa Grande at my aunt’s house.

Today we bought them trikes. That should be a big hit!


At 12:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

your angels are BEAUTIFUL and we know you are so very proud of them. may God bless your new family with so much love and many memories for all the years to come. we are looking forward to meeting them, and giving them some love from their indiana 'cousins'!
john and janie mount

At 9:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

God bless and keep you all. I'm sure this will be the best Thanksgiving ever



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